• Holy Week 2019.
  • Saint John Paull II Feast 2021
  • Easter Sanctuary Flower Arrangements 2019.
  • Easter 2019.
  • St John Paul II Relic Easter 2019.
  • Divine Mercy 2019.
  • St. John Paul II Feast Relic Altar 2020.
  • St. John Paull II Relic.
  • St. John Paul II Feast 2020.
  • Father Jose Birthday
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 2019.
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 2021
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 2021
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 2021
  • 2023 FHC
  • Confirmation 2023

Welcome to St. James Catholic Church

 Church.... it is not a building. 

It is the heart, mind and spirit of each one of us. 

 WE are the church -

the caretakers and stewards of God's beautiful creation.

Bienvenido a la Iglesia Catolica Santiago

Iglesia ... no es un edificio.

Es el corazón, la mente y el espíritu de cada uno de nosotros.

NOSOTROS somos la iglesia -

los cuidadores y mayordomos de la bella creación de Dios.


Staff/Personal de la Parroquia

Catechism Office Hours/Horario de Oficina de Catecismo

Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 01:00 pm & 2:00 - 2:30 pm

Deacon Robert McCormick, Director

256-546-2975 ext: 103




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Main Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Principal

Tuesday/Martes - Friday/Viernes
8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Sunday/Domingo 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
and 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm.

Mass Times/Horarios de Misa

Weekday Mass/Misa Diaria:

Monday/Lunes ~ 6:00 pm
Tuesday/Martes ~ 6:00 pm bilingual (bilingüe) 
Wednesday/Miercoles ~ 12:00 Noon (Medio Dia)
09:30 am Parish School during the school year (Escuela Parroquial durante el año escolar)
Thursday/Jueves ~ 8:00 am
Friday/Viernes ~  12:00 Noon (Medio día)
Weekend Mass/Misa Fin de Semana:
Saturday/Sábado ~ 4:00 pm Anticipated
Sunday/Domingo ~ 8:00 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm Spanish(Español)
Holy Days of Obligation 12 Noon and 6:00 pm bilingual
Dia de Guardar 12 del Medio Dia y 6:00 pm bilingüe

Our email/Nuestro correo electrónico


Reconciliation Schedule/Horario de Confesión

Saturday at 3:00 pm or by appointment, please call Fr. Jose at ext: 101 or cell # 205-563-8217.

Sabado a las 3:00 pm o por cita, por favor llame al Padre Jose ext: 101 o su celular 205-563-8217.

Readings of the day/Lecturas del dia

Live Mass streaming Sunday 8:00 am.

Misa en vivo Domingo 8:00 am en ingles.

Bible Study

The Bible Timeline every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 pm. A study of the Book of Revelation. If you would like to better understand this mysterious and often difficult book in the Bible, come join this amazing group of people. There is a signup sheet in the vestibule. For more information please contact Tammy Brown at 256-328-1803.

PSR Registration/Registracion de Catecismo

Click on the image to register for PSR. 

Classes begin Sunday, September 8th, 2024  from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm.

Haga clic en la imagen para registrarse para la catequesis de los niños. Los clases inician el Domingo, 8 de Septiembre 2024 de 11:45 am - 12:45 pm.

RCIA Information/Registration

Do you know someone who is thinking of becoming Catholic?

If so, invite them to call the church office about the RCIA process.  Any adult person who were never baptized, were baptized in another Christian tradition, or were baptized Catholic and need to make up a sacrament in the Catholic Church are invited to attend.

You Can Be The Voice of God to someone who is seeking Christ in the Sacraments.  

For more info contact church office at 256-546-2975 or click on image to register online, class begins Sunday, August 11th, 2024 at 9:15 am in conference room by Brian Cook.

School Registration/Registro Escolar

Now registering K-3 through 8th grade for in-person classes. Call the school office for more details: (256) 546-0132

Ahora inscribiendo K-3 a 8vo grado para clases en persona. Llame a la oficina de la escuela para más detalles: (256) 546-0132

Catholic School Scholarship Donation

School scholarships

Give a student the gift of a Catholic education at no cost to you when you donate your Alabama income tax liability. Click on banner for more info.  

Déle a un estudiante el regalo de una educación católica sin costo para usted cuando done su obligación de impuesto sobre la renta de Alabama. Haga clic en el banner para más información.

Parish Registration/Registracion de Parroquia


Click on "My OWN CHURCH" icon below and Create your account today!

Click on New User link on the Welcome page to get started. The link takes you to the New User Registration form where you can create an account.

*Edit family/member information/address, etc./*View contributions

Not tech savy?  You may download and fill out our registration form below and return to the church office.

Click here for parish registration in english.

Registrate para ser un nuevo miembro de la parroquia o si ya esta registrado puedes hacer cambios de tu familia y ver tu ofrenda. Haga clic MY OWN CHURCH ARRIBA.

Forma de Registracion en espanol haga clic aqui.

Parish App/Aplicación parroquial

Once you download the app look for our parish and start getting the latest info from our parish.

  Una vez que descargue la aplicación, busque nuestra parroquia y comience a recibir la información más reciente de nuestra parroquia.

Contribución en línea

Our Lady of Guadalupe 2022

Holy Week & Easter 2023

St James Feast 2023

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast 2021


Diocese of Birmingham

Check out our diocese website for diocesan events. 

Visite nuestro sitio web de la diócesis para conocer los próximos eventos diocesanos.


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Help.org is a community organization dedicated to empowering people suffering from substance abuse addiction with tools and resources to start their personal journey toward recovery. Click on image for more information.

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